FIT4RACE™ Check-up

The service portfolio offered by the FIT4RACE™ Performance Diagnostic and Development Center is built upon the 3 pillars of our organization, and the first one is our comprehensive performance diagnostic assessment portfolio, including our uniquely developed, 360-degree signature evaluation protocol – the FIT4RACE™ Check-up – which is the most comprehensive evaluation protocol available, bar none.

The service portfolio offered by the FIT4RACE™ Performance Diagnostic and Development Center is built upon the 3 pillars of our organization. The first pillar is our comprehensive performance diagnostic assessment portfolio, which includes our uniquely developed, 360-degree signature evaluation protocol – the FIT4RACE™ Check-up. This protocol stands as the most comprehensive evaluation available, unmatched in its depth and precision.

The FIT4RACE™ Check-up is the starting of our data-driven, sustainable, performance optimizing BESTOFYOU™ program.

What exactly is the FIT4RACE™ Check-up?

The FIT4RACE™ Check-up encompasses a comprehensive protocol consisting of 18-22 assessments, tailored to the individual profile, designed to evaluate key biomarkers related to performance optimization and overall well-being. Following an in-depth scientific analysis, the data obtained through these assessments are evaluated based on gender, age, and additional specific goals and/or sports profiles by our expert team. We assess the current physical condition, cognitive functionality, mental status, key performance habits, and biometric markers to develop a 360° high-resolution overview of the current state.

Through this process, we uncover strengths and performance-limiting factors, identify and prioritize developmental areas, using our holistic approach. This approach takes into account the connection, interaction, and synergy between different performance areas. We then outline our all-encompassing, integrative development recommendations in the form of a block-structured development plan, laying the foundation for data-driven development, training, planning, and monitoring systems. The results are delivered in a detailed evaluation report of over 30 pages.

FIT4RACE™ Check-up – main assessments:


Using a 2-stage protocol, we assess and evaluate based on gender, age, and further specific goals: the actual body weight, body composition, tissue ratios (muscle, fat, bone, visceral tissues ratios), muscle and fat distribution patterns, somatotype, hydration, nutritional status, markers indicating cellular integrity, membrane condition (phase angle, meta-, kappa-, metric indices, etc.). 


The latest and most advanced equipment, technologies, and measurement methods are utilized to assess various aspects of the body’s functioning at rest. This includes measurements of resting metabolic rate (RMR), substrate (carbohydrate, fat) utilization ratios, as well as the electrical and mechanical function of the heart. Vascular elasticity is measured through tools like the Arteriograph, and the regulatory capacity of muscles and the nervous system is analyzed through HRV (Heart Rate Variability) analysis.


Using a treadmill, cycle ergometer, or other sport-specific load equipment, we assess the body’s adaptation to increased physical load across various organs and systems. By analyzing metabolic changes and oxygen consumption, we can accurately evaluate current fitness levels, work capacity, and identify potential risks associated with intense physical activity and sports. Our personalized protocols assess key exercise physiology parameters such as VO2max, ventilatory thresholds, substrate utilization ratios, oxygen pulse (O2P), vital capacity, and dynamic breathing depth. This process also uncovers factors that may hinder physical development, determines energy expenditure at varying physical activity intensities, and defines personalized training zones (based on heart rate and/or speed/watt ranges).


Using the latest equipment, technologies, and measurement methods via a 5-step protocol that includes standing, walking, and running analysis (Zebris), stabilometry (Prokin), isometric, and isokinetic strength measurements (EasyTorque, HUmac), functional movement screening, we  evaluate movement patterns, movement execution efficiency, stability, mobility, explosiveness, strength in upper and lower limb muscle groups related limitations, and imbalances providing  a full-spectrum overview of the current state, development potential, and limitations


Through a 3-stage protocol – machine psychomotor tests (Vienna Test System (VTS), Senaptec Sensory Station), and our custom-developed F4R ability test – we assess the neurophysiological status and cognitive profile (information processing ability, cognitive flexibility, reactive agility, simple and choice reaction time, divided and focused attention, stress tolerance, decision-making efficiency, working memory, speed coordination, eye-hand coordination, etc.). 


Through in-depth psychological assessment interview by our professional psychologist, we assess key factors that influence a client’s fitness and performance status. These evaluations explore the client’s environment, motivations, social connections, recreational habits, abilities, and goals. We also address critical aspects of mental health, well-being, sleeping patterns, and overall lifestyle, recognizing that mental health is as vital as physical fitness in achieving sustainable progress. This comprehensive understanding helps our professional team to design personalized development plans that nurture both the body and mind, ensuring a truly holistic approach to each client’s fitness and wellness journey. 


Our highly comprehensive, data-driven nutritional assessment, modularly expandable to accommodate individual needs, integrates results from anthropometric evaluation, body composition analysis, indirect calorimetry, resting and exercise metabolic testing, and is supplemented with a detailed laboratory diagnostic panel, nutritional anamnesis, and dietary diary analysis. This holistic approach enables our expert team to precisely assess current nutritional status, identify deficiencies, address imbalanced dietary choices, and evaluate lifestyle habits that may negatively impact health or limit performance. While the medical information provided serves as a resource and does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, we recommend specialist referrals when their necessity is indicated.

FIT4RACE™ Check-up – core tenets:


Includes 18-22 expert-conducted assessments, tailored specifically to the individual’s unique profile. 


Executed according to the highest professional and industrial standards, utilizing the latest, most advanced equipment, technologies, and methodologies. 


Recognizing that a system cannot be reduced to the sum of its individual elements, we not only deeply analyze but also integrate and interweave data to consider the interconnectedness of the elements, going beyond a standard evaluation.


The deepest science is meaningless unless translated into practical action. As a result of our in-depth scientific evaluation, we outline actionable, real-world recommendations in the form of a block-structured development plan, included as part of your personalized check-up report.

What is not defined cannot be measured. What is not measured, cannot be improved. What is not improved, is always degraded.
– William Thomson Kelvin